Why Zutec

The Benefits of using Zutec

  • Increased Efficiency 
    Greater control, reduced cost, less errors, easier access and sharing. Zutec provides audit trails, automated updates and the handover of fully commissioned projects online. It also allows for huge savings in terms of physical storage of data.
  • People and Process Expertise
    Zutec’s solutions and services, in conjunction with our worldwide experience and local knowledge, provide the tools required to assist business leaders in this dynamic, ever-changing industry. We appreciate that every company, every project, every client is different so our product is customised to suit the needs of the client.
  • Advanced Technology Platform
    Zutec provides solutions on both desktop and mobile platforms ensuring your data is available and accessible over the lifecycle of the project. With both iOS and Android Apps, the Zutec solution is truly mobile and is ready to capture and manage your information at source. The cloud platform allows easy integration with your other business systems such as BIM modelling tools, BMS and ERP Systems.
  • Data Not Documents
    Zutec provides next generation software where asset data, not documents, is captured at the beginning of every project and lives through the entire lifecycle of a project from initial specification through to handover.


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